Sunday, October 26, 2008

Advocate of Green

I took a class yesterday at NYU with other like-minded individuals who are searching for ways to make a positive impact on the environment. I met one woman who has an excellent blog dedicated to educating others on how to be more ‘green’. Check it out..

Great job, the site!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Calculate your carbon footprint

There is a lot of talk about reducing carbon footprints these days, and so many different websites that offer carbon calculators. It gets very confusing and it’s hard to figure out which has the best and most comprehensive calculator.  I’ve discovered that the most useful information from these calculators comes from the questions themselves, not the ultimate score. I suggest that you look a a couple of different versions of calculators, and focus on educating yourself about the ways to reduce your footprint. The value is in changing your habits; the score is just a benchmark to inspire you.

BP calculator (simple and basic):

An Inconvenient Truth:

Count Down Your Carbon (challenges you with actions for each area of reduction):

For a good list of ways to reduce your carbon footprint:
For general understanding of the concept of footprints:

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Eliminate your junk mail

Cutting back on junk mail will have a positive environmental impact by saving trees and reducing the amount of landfill needed for the waste if not recycled. It will also reduce garage collection bills and taxes.

Here’s an easy and free way to start cutting back on junk mail:

And another link which was recommended by one of my blog readers...thanks for the tip, MJ!

Friday, October 10, 2008

2041 Website

For more on Robert Swan, Antarctica, the Voyage for Cleaner Energy and climate change, go to