Monday, March 29, 2010

Earth Hour and We Add Up

Hello to all, and a Happy Belated Earth Hour! I hope that you all were able to participate on Saturday night, or at least have been able to see some of the amazing reports from all over the world. Earth Hour 2010 trended top ten on Twitter and is being touted as the "largest mass demonstration in history". Reports of significant reduction in energy consumption for the hour are coming in from utility companies worldwide.

You may have noticed that I've been away for least from my blog. I'll be posting again more regularly now, and I'll start with this link that contains a nice article on my recent Antarctic expedition, along with a mention of this blog. Before leaving for my expedition, I was given t-shirts by a great company called We Add Up, and I took a shot of some of us wearing them in Antarctica. The t-shirts feature an energy-saving tip on the back, and a unique number on the keep track of how many people have "pledged" to do that particular action. A fantastic idea!

Until the next post...