Monday, October 26, 2009

Recap of the Brooklyn Bridge Walk

Saturday was a magnificent day. The International Day of Climate Action began in New Zealand at sunrise, and continued to fan out all over the globe. At the end of the day, reported that over 5200 actions in 181 countries had taken place, and we became the top story on Google News, CNN, and many other news outlets on Saturday night. Here's a re-cap of how I spent the day...

At 11:30am on Saturday, October 24th, a crowd started to gather near the Manhattan entrance to the Brooklyn Bridge. It was relatively mild in temperature, but the rain was on and off and I was afraid that it would turn off people from coming out to march. And then they came...and kept coming, until I lost count. Among those gathered was Robert Swan and others from my first expedition to Antarctica, many friends, and even my mom, who was visiting from Oregon. Somehow, in the midst of the chaos, I found myself next to Robert and being given a banner to hold. Turns out we would be leading the throng of several hundred across the bridge! We started out in some light rain, and after about an hour, reached the other side and continued to the DUMBO park. Robert gave an inspiring speech to the cheering crowd and then we headed off to our next stop...Times Square.

Approaching Times Square, it began to rain again, and as we got close to the center we started to see dozens of blue and white 350 signs dotting the plaza. The celebration began at 3:50pm when music played, people danced, and pictures that had been sent from around the world were were shown on four big screens overhead. At one point I looked up and saw a picture of myself leading the Bridge Walk earlier in the day. Bill McKibbon, the founder of spoke, then introduced 3 other leaders in the movement, including Robert Swan. Once again Robert inspired the crowd, announcing his upcoming "Return Journey", where he will make another polar walk, this time without the use of any fossil fuels.

It was a magnificent day, filled with hope and enthusiasm, but what struck me as truly remarkable was the way people from all over the world came together to support a common cause. There were no religious or political divides with those involved, only concerned citizens of the world. That should speak pretty loudly to decision's not often that citizens from warring nations can come together and agree whole-heartedly on something. They did on Saturday.

Check out some pics and video here:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

WOW, talk about action...

It's amazing what can happen in a week. Since my post on October 14th, the International Day of Climate Action has nearly doubled in size to over 4300 actions in 171 countries, and the buzz is EVERYWHERE! To find a common cause that brings together people from nations at war with each other is rare and precious, and to see how fiercely determined young people are to spread this message is inspiring. There are over 300 events planned across China alone...that is mind-boggling.

Please join me in experiencing this special day. Wherever you are.

And New Yorkers...I'll see you on the Brooklyn Bridge!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog Action Day - short and simple

It's Blog Action Day and so far almost 25,000 bloggers all over the world have written about this year's chosen topic: climate change. I only have one thing to say: October 24th has the chance to be "one of those days" in history. BE THERE.

See you on the Brooklyn Bridge at 12pm! And if NYC is too far away...find an action near you at

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


  1. Robert Swan, who is in town for his big book launch on October 27th, will be walking with us! How often do you get a chance to walk alongside someone who has walked to both the North and South Poles?
  2. It’s FREE, unlike most NYC you get a free t-shirt.
  3. It’s at 12 noon, which means you can sleep off a hangover first, or walk off a big brunch.
  4. Since I was out of town on my birthday, THIS is the party! And you don’t even have to bring a gift. Your presence will be my present.
  5. Have kids? ALL AGES welcome. Get them away from the video games and DVDs and out into the fresh air!
  6. Live in the suburbs? If so, #5 is likely so see above.
  7. You’ll get to meet my mom. She’s awesome.
  8. Brooklyn has cool brunch spots that you can go to after the walk. OK, I know I really don’t ever go to Brooklyn, but I did go to brunch there once…the last time I walked across the bridge.
  9. If the Yankees go to a Game 6, it won’t start until 4:13pm…plenty of time to walk the bridge then get to the stadium or a TV.
  10. World leaders will be gathering in Copenhagen in December. They must come away from that meeting having signed a strong global treaty on climate change. As of today, over 2400 actions in 155 countries are planned for’s Global Day of Climate Action on October 24th. We’re New Yorkers! Time to show our strength in numbers and take a stand in the “most widespread day of environmental action in the planet’s history”! How cool is that!? 
If these 10 reasons haven’t convinced you or if you are unavailable to attend, PLEASE spread the word to anyone who you think might be interested!

E-mail me with questions…, and be sure to sign up on Facebook,, Greenpeace, or just tell me so we can have an idea of numbers.

When: Saturday, October 24th, 2009 at 12pm
Where: Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge (there is an open plaza area across from the entrance to the bridge)

There will also be a press conference in Times Square later in the afternoon (around 3pm). Robert Swan will be an MC at that event and if you can't make the walk...come to the press conference!

Rain or shine...SEE YOU THERE!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Announcement: Robert Swan to join Brooklyn Bridge Walk with

I've just received confirmation that Robert Swan, who will be in New York City for his book launch on October 27th, will be arriving early in order to be able to join me and other New Yorkers in's Global Day of Climate Action in a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. To quote's website, "350 parts per million is what many scientists, climate experts, and progressive national governments are now saying is the safe upper limit for CO2 in our atmosphere". The grass roots movement exists to raise awareness leading up to the Climate Change Conference in December in Copenhagen, and to "hold our decision-makers accountable to producing a treaty that is strong, equitable, and grounded in the latest science."  As of today, there are 2,252 actions planned in 152 countries on October 24th. Following the bridge walk, will be holding a press conference in Times Square where pictures from these actions all over the world will be shown. Robert will be speaking to the crowd after the walk, and hopefully again as an MC at the Times Square event.

New Yorkers...PLEASE come walk with me! We'll meet on the Manhattan side at 12 noon. You can sign up at

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Robert Swan's new book ON SALE Oct. 27th

Robert Swan, with help from Gil Reavill, details his extraordinary life so far in this wonderful new book. Robert tells the story of why he was inspired to be the first person to walk to both the South and North Poles, and how he came to dedicate his life to preserving Antarctica. On unbelievable adventure after adventure, Robert shows commitment, leadership and unwavering pursuit of educating young people about sustainability and leadership. The book is filled with humor, emotion, suspense, and inspiration. It is thoroughly entertaining (I couldn't put it down), yet it also finds a way to speak very clearly about the serious environmental issues facing our world today and illustrates how the polar regions are the "canaries in the coal mine" of climate change. Robert's focus on 2041's mission to promote renewable energy and educate young leaders about sustainability is an example of how one person can make a difference.

Please buy the book and support the mission to preserve Antarctica! Pre-order here:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Chapter Two...Back to Antarctica in November!

I am thrilled to announce that Robert Swan and 2041 have invited me back to Antarctica on an expedition celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty. I have been asked to help develop and launch the new 2041 Alumni Program, and will be speaking to this year’s Antarctic expedition team about what to do post-expedition to stay inspired and push the mission of 2041 forward. That mission is to "inform, engage and inspire the next generation of leaders to take responsibility, to be sustainable, and to know that now is the time for action in policy development, business generation and future technologies".

Please sign up to follow this blog and stay tuned for more details!

To learn more about my first trip to Antarctica, please visit