Wednesday, October 14, 2009


  1. Robert Swan, who is in town for his big book launch on October 27th, will be walking with us! How often do you get a chance to walk alongside someone who has walked to both the North and South Poles?
  2. It’s FREE, unlike most NYC you get a free t-shirt.
  3. It’s at 12 noon, which means you can sleep off a hangover first, or walk off a big brunch.
  4. Since I was out of town on my birthday, THIS is the party! And you don’t even have to bring a gift. Your presence will be my present.
  5. Have kids? ALL AGES welcome. Get them away from the video games and DVDs and out into the fresh air!
  6. Live in the suburbs? If so, #5 is likely so see above.
  7. You’ll get to meet my mom. She’s awesome.
  8. Brooklyn has cool brunch spots that you can go to after the walk. OK, I know I really don’t ever go to Brooklyn, but I did go to brunch there once…the last time I walked across the bridge.
  9. If the Yankees go to a Game 6, it won’t start until 4:13pm…plenty of time to walk the bridge then get to the stadium or a TV.
  10. World leaders will be gathering in Copenhagen in December. They must come away from that meeting having signed a strong global treaty on climate change. As of today, over 2400 actions in 155 countries are planned for’s Global Day of Climate Action on October 24th. We’re New Yorkers! Time to show our strength in numbers and take a stand in the “most widespread day of environmental action in the planet’s history”! How cool is that!? 
If these 10 reasons haven’t convinced you or if you are unavailable to attend, PLEASE spread the word to anyone who you think might be interested!

E-mail me with questions…, and be sure to sign up on Facebook,, Greenpeace, or just tell me so we can have an idea of numbers.

When: Saturday, October 24th, 2009 at 12pm
Where: Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge (there is an open plaza area across from the entrance to the bridge)

There will also be a press conference in Times Square later in the afternoon (around 3pm). Robert Swan will be an MC at that event and if you can't make the walk...come to the press conference!

Rain or shine...SEE YOU THERE!

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