Saturday, November 7, 2009

Jeans vs. The Planet

As the news comes in that a firm global treaty is less and less likely to be signed at Copenhagen in December, I'm reminded of this video that was featured at "The Age of Stupid" premiere in September. If only the world leaders could be bold enough and brave enough to actually lead. It still shocks me that people are so passionately opposed to the government investing in alternative energy and individuals spending a little $150 a year per US household (just one of the many similar figures thrown out there - some are more, some are less). That's a pair of designer jeans!! And studies from all over the world (example: a recent TD Bank-funded study in Canada called "Climate Leadership, Economic Prosperity") detail how investing now can offer a better standard of living and create more jobs for the future. Not to mention how more renewable energy solutions would reduce our dependence on foreign oil. How can the world's leaders be so short-sighted...and so afraid to acknowledge that climate change is THE global issue of our time?

Personally, I'd rather buy a long and comfortable future for my generation's grand-kids than a few new pairs of jeans.

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